Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Watch more cartoons

I was surfing YouTube and I found these amazing cartoon intros. I miss the days when they used to import and horribly dub cartoons from other countries, it's a weird kind of cultural learning for the brain of the childrens.

I apologize in advance for all the german, it's the only localization I could find for all these.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting the ugly out

Yeah, I know I suck.  I haven't posted in 5 months.

Anyway, I've been feeling pressured lately and had to get the ugly out, so here are some more sketches of really scary looking people.  I'll try to keep my post count up if I can.

Almost forgot to add a video.  Here's another ugly ol' fellah.  Sure talented though.  I love this song.  SO much. <3 <3 <3