Monday, January 27, 2014

More poorly drawn things that don't make any sense

I'm giving the people what they want: weird stuff.

Cue the weird music:

Now the weird drawings:

1) Some quick warm-up sketches.  Everyone remarks on the Batman, even though he has an ear.  I like the ear.

2) Clean pen drawing with some loose pencil outline:

3) Deliberately rough drawing:

4) An attempt at composition with a zombie-slayer:

5) Another composition with some Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

6) This one is a band, tried some interesting poses and some foreshortening:

7) Typical loose pencils sketches I do to warm up and get ideas (this is "showing the process"!):

8) This one is insane and also a favourite.  See, this cyclops just wants to suntan in peace, but people always come around and kick sand on him.  He hates that; and being a cyclops, is a believer in pre-emptive strikes.  Therefore, he's a-comin' to kick your sand castle DOWN!

9) Here's a character from that comic I've been working on forever and will probably never finish.  I tried some more complicated backgrounds with the building and I think it turned out pretty well.  Everyone always notices the cat first though:

10) Another two characters from that comic I've been working on forever and will probably never finish.  They're at the beach posing in front of the sunset.  It's cute:

11) Another three characters from that comic I've been working on forever and will probably never finish.  They're reading a scary story with a monster in the background.  I wanted to try a dense picture with complicated poses.  I don't think it was super successful, but it looks alright:

12) Here's a marathon, I wanted to try showing some motion and action.  Some parts of the composition are better than others, but I learned a bit doing this one so I'll call it a success:

13) Just putting this picture up to show a failure.  I don't like the way this turned out, the characters aren't fun and the perspective is crap.  The composition also sucks and it doesn't feel very clever at all:

14) I am the only person who has laughed at this out of everyone I've shown.  I'm still not sure why, I think it's great:

15) I was trying to figure out a difficult pose here, with someone resting their chin in their palm.  I did not succeed, but at least I tried:

16) I drew this in literally 2 minutes and I love it, total success:

17) Some more warm-ups, I tried doing some things differently and I think it gave me some interesting ideas about the level of detail and the way I apply my style:

18) I intended to do this one from an upward-looking angle and I think it was kind of successful?  It's not great but at least I learned some things:

19) I'm not sure what's going on here but it made me laugh when I was doing it, so...I'll probably do more with this one.  I'm definitely going to colour the basketball a bright orange.

20) I played the new Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and I drew Link.  He looked so intense I had to mention his "Intensity":

21) After I drew the big Link head I wanted to do another large-size sketch, so I drew this kid with a big head:

22) I haven't finished this one yet, but I thought I might as well put it up anyway:

23)  I haven't finished this one either, still needs inks and colour and stuff.  Consider it a "sneak preview" of what I'm going to put in my next post.  Which will probably go up in June.  Sad face.