Here waits thy doom. 3 Inches of Blood has pointed it out for you so you don't have to look for it. It's a clumsy fall down a staircase, if you were wondering.
3 Inches of Blood is a heavy metal band out of Vancouver, and if you've been to a Canadian metal show, you've probably seen them. With Bruce Dickenson-inspired vocals and subject matter suitable for World of Warcraft or perhaps a cheesy 80s horror movie it will probably strike most people as being completely ridiculous. Having played it for Ryan, he said "I respectfully request a change in song.". I can understand this, but I think 3 Inches of Blood requires some perspective.
If you go way back to the era of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, you can see that 3 Inches of Blood's roots go deep, and they're taking inspiration from a lot of different places. There's lots of Iron Maiden in there, a little bit of Deep Purple and a whole bunch of Black Sabbath. What this really boils down to is a labour of love and a hell of a lot of fun. If you can suspend a little disbelief and take it for what it is, there are a lot of gold pieces to dig out from under this Ogre's bridge (they actually have songs about Ogres).
Put on your +5 listening helm and rock out...IN HELL!
Rock in Hell:
Battles and Brotherhood:
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